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Public Toilets in the Narvik region

Keeping our region clean is a shared responsibility, and we all play a part in preserving its natural beauty. We kindly ask everyone to respect the environment by disposing of waste properly and ensuring no rubbish is left behind.

Whether you're exploring the great outdoors or enjoying the city, public toilets are conveniently located to make your experience more comfortable. To find the nearest available facilities, please refer to the provided overview.

Thank you for helping us keep our surroundings clean and welcoming for everyone!

Not any toilets nearby?Respect the nature!

Unfortunately it is not possible for the municipalities to place toilets everywhere. If you must go outdoors, do so responsibly and well away from water, campsites, and trails. Dig a hole approximately 15 cm deep, and cover it up when finished, for example with stones and moss, so that it won't be dug up by animals later.

Overview public toilets: