Shop 'til You drop
Whether you’re on the hunt for high-quality outdoor gear, unique souvenirs, or regional delicacies, Narvik has something to captivate every shopper. Narvik’s town center is a shopper’s dream: walkable, accessible, and surrounded by parking facilities and accommodations. Here, you’ll find two large shopping centers alongside a mix of cozy, locally-owned shops. After indulging in retail therapy, unwind in one of the nearby parks, perfect for soaking in the town’s atmosphere.
Gear up for outdoor adventures
Norway’s passion for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, skiing, and fishing is reflected in the excellent selection of outdoor gear available in Narvik. From large stores to niche specialty shops, you’ll discover a range of high-standard equipment tailored for both casual enthusiasts and seasoned adventurers. If exploring nature is on your agenda, Narvik is the place to stock up on the best gear.
Souvenirs, local flavours & art and crafts
Bring a piece of Narvik home with you by shopping for traditional Norwegian souvenirs. Choose from handcrafted trolls, intricate glass designs, and locally-made jewelry. For something truly unique, consider purchasing items made from sheep or reindeer skin. Norwegian fashion lovers can also explore warm, functional, and stylish clothing that blends minimalism with bright, cheerful colors.
Narvik’s shops also showcase the region’s culinary heritage. Treat yourself to local specialties like savory sausages, fenalår (cured lamb leg), mountain cheeses, and smoked salmon.
For art enthusiasts, Narvik offers an array of locally crafted artworks and handmade pieces that make for meaningful and distinctive keepsakes. Explore galleries and craft shops to find treasures that celebrate the region’s cultural heritage.
Tax-free and smart saving
Take advantage of Norway’s VAT refund system available in many shops. Before finalizing your purchase, ask the salesperson if tax-free shopping applies. Additionally, with no luxury tax in Norway, buying high-end brands in Narvik is a smart and cost-effective choice for those seeking premium items. Narvik’s vibrant shopping scene ensures that every visitor leaves with something special. From functional outdoor gear to unique local finds, the town’s diverse offerings cater to a wide range of tastes and interests. Make your shopping experience in Narvik an unforgettable part of your journey through this picturesque region.