
Narvik Museum - Garden day

"Oldemors garden" was established on the initiative of the Narvik and surrounding garden association in 2010 outside the Narvik Museum. For almost 15 years, the garden has displayed traditional perennials donated by friends of the garden from old local gardens.

Ingun Neteland was involved in the work to establish "Oldermors garden". She has collected photos and takes us through the history of the initiative and the perennials in the garden. We are swarming with ideas around "Oldemother's garden" today, and how we should continue to look after this traditional garden heritage.

We exchange seeds, or seed bags can be sold for a small sum.
The event starts at 6pm and is free for everyone.

There will be coffee, as well as the sale of cake and a lottery after the lecture. Feel free to bring a small prize to the lottery.


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