
Marketing Plus-product

Additional listing on

If our members wish to have more listings than the one included in the Basic Package on our website, there will be an additional cost. This creates a core where Visit Narvik does an equal amount of job for all our members, and members that offer more products will pay extra for this.
Products listed on Visit Narvik are also available on the Visit Norway website, and Visit Narvik pays a fee for the number of product listings we have on Visit Norway.

Online booking

On we offer a booking solution for our members. In order to have your product bookable through Visit Narvik, a separate booking agreement must be signed, where there is a one-time fee for establishing the booking solution. It will be possible for the Tourist Information to book your product over the counter for guests, and agents / tour operators can go in themselves to book their activity directly.


As a member, you are offered to participate in campaigns. These can be campaigns we put up ourselves, campaigns that Visit Norway or Northern Norwy Touristboard put up, or we can help set up campaigns for member-companies at a additional cost. We send out analytics and results for the campaigns when they are done.

Advertisement on info screens at the Tourist information

As a member, you are offered to have an advertisement on the info screen in the Tourist Information in Narvik. The advertisement on the info screen includes a ad on a screen that hangs on the wall inside the Tourist Information, and also a screen that is in the window facing the street / passage outside the Tourist information.

Web advertisement at

As a member, you are offered to have an advertisement on our website Advertising space can be purchased at to make your company more visible on our website. There are a maximum of 3 purchased advertising spaces on the front page of


We work purposefully with press to make the Narvik region visible in national and international media. As a host for the press, we work to increased media coverage by preparing programs, being hosts, and taking care of the follow-up work afterwards the tours. The programs are put together according to interests and requested topics from the press, and we offer our members to show off on relevant tours. This provides a unique chance for good exposure in bigger media. If a company wants to be included in the press-tours, it is expected that the company will agree to press terms (offering free experiences / or a lower press price). Beyond this it costs nothing to attend.


We work purposefully with Tour operators and agents. These are often invited to go on a agent- tour to several destinations at the same time, and are often a collaboration between Innovation Norway, Northern Norway Tourist board and Visit Narvik. The tours are put together according to interests and requested topics and we together make programs with our members accordingly. It provides a unique chance for good exposure nationally and internationally. If a company wants to be included in the agent-tour, it is expected that the company agrees to agent conditions (offers free experiences / or agent price). Beyond this it costs nothing to participate.

Travel Guide

Narvik As a member, you get an offer to buy an advertisement in the Officially travel guide for the Narvik region. Listing of our suppliers is included in the travel guide.

City and region map

As a member, you get an offer to buy advertisements on our city and regional map produced by Visit Narvik. Listing of our suppliers is included on the map.


As a member, you can hire us for photography for an additional cost.
This includes a 1-hour preparatory meeting, a half-day photoshoot, editing and post-production, and you will receive 20 finished photos.
The supplier provides persons for the photo shoot.
These can be used in the marketing of your products on, for example website, social media or campaigns, and Visit Narvik can use these in the marketing of your products and in destination marketing.

30 seconds pre-edited film

As a member, you can hire us for film assignments at an additional cost.
This includes a 1-hour preparatory meeting, a half-day photo shoot, editing and post-production. You will be delivered a 30-second pre-edited film in which you have full rights.
The supplier provides persons for the shoot.
The film can be used in the marketing of your products on, for example, the website, social media or campaigns, and Visit Narvik can use these in the marketing of your products and in destination marketing.

Text production / content production

As a member, you can hire us to do text production for your product listings or other content production.
We write the necessary text with a clear message aimed at the target group(s) in Norwegian and English.