History & Cultural Heritage

Preserving cultural heritage is an investment in the future. Cultural heritage sites tell the story of lives lived through the ages, serve as sources of our shared history, and create a sense of belonging in both small and larger communities.

Narvik municipality

Both our industrial and wartime histories have played a part in shaping the region into what it is today. Narvik is a historic and vibrant city nestled between mountains and fjords. Its history is deeply intertwined with its strategic location and role in both World War II and the mining industry.

Narvik was built on the mining industry, particularly iron ore, which was and still is transported by rail from the mines in Kiruna, Sweden, to the ice-free port in Narvik for export. Today, Narvik remains an important transportation hub and a gateway to the Arctic.

Kjøpsvik, Ballangen and Bjerkvik
Kjøpsvik also has a rich mining and industrial history, is known for cave discoveries, fishing-farming culture and householding, as well as wartime history.

Ballangen is a former mining municipality in Ofoten. In the area around Ballangen, we find the earliest attempts at mining in Northern Norway, dating back to the 1600s.

Bjerkvik, located in Narvik municipality in Northern Norway, has a notable cultural and historical background. Historically, Bjerkvik was an important hub during World War II due to its strategic location and proximity to Narvik, which was a key battleground between German and Allied forces.

Gratangen municipality
At Fjordbotn, at the innermost part of Gratangsbotn, lies the Northern Norwegian Boat Museum, a regional institution dedicated to preserving maritime cultural heritage through the conservation of old boats, fishing tools, and equipment. The museum boasts the region's largest collection of Nordland boats and fishing and hunting gear.

In Gratangen, one of the largest battles of the Norwegian campaign in April 1940 took place, resulting in 34 Norwegian casualties. Later, French troops were also deployed. Memorial stones honoring the fallen soldiers of the war can be found in Minneparken in Fjordbotn and in Foldvik.
Lavangen municipality
The municipality has a strong connection to its natural environment, with outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and skiing being popular among residents and visitors alike. Culturally, Lavangen has a significant Sami heritage, reflected in local traditions, handicrafts, and cultural events.

Bardu municipality
The municipality is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes, including the scenic Målselv Valley and the expansive Bardufoss area. Historically, Bardu has been inhabited for centuries, with evidence of Sami settlements dating back to ancient times.