
© Roger Kramer


© Rune Dahl
Hiking in the Narvikregion


© Rune Dahl
Hiking in the Narvikregion

Reinneset Skjomen

© Stine Holt


© Roger Kramer


© Rune Dahl
Hiking in the Narvikregion

Hiking in the Narvik region

Experience the Narvikregion spectacular nature on foot. Go on small accessible excursions or aim for the highest peak. Beautiful mountain flower meadows that extend beyond, sunsets you can dream yourself into and mountain peaks with a view as far as the eye can see.


The Narvikregion on foot

The Narvik region offers a wide range of hiking opportunities. From simple to more demanding and challenging trips. For longer trips we recommend the Narvik Tourist Association (Narvik and Omegn Turistforening, NOT) that has a great network of marked routes and pleasant cabins. The routes are available on website (https://not.dnt.no/) and the key for the cabins can be collected at the local tourist information in Narvik. You can go from cabin to cabin 15 days in a row or select a few hiking destinations tailored to your wishes and needs. There are 28 cabins in 14 locations, and they are all without staff. In the cabins you will find firewood, gas, kitchenware and beds. There is no food at the cabins and equipment in them vary. The hiking area extends from Bjørnfjell on the Ofotbanen in the North to Hellemobotn in Tysfjord in the South.

Always bring extra clothes

The weather in the mountains can change quickly, even in the summer. Evenings and nights can be cold even though it is hot during the day, and sometimes the summer mountain offers snow showers. Make sure you always have a whole set of extra dry clothes to shift.

Respect nature

We are happy to share our beautiful nature with you and hope that you will respect it and leave as little traces as possible. Norway gives everyone free access to the countryside and the opportunity to experience and use the nature around us. And this you have full right to as long as you follow the rules and guidelines for the right to roam.


Guidelines to the right to roam

  • Follow the path and avoid making new paths
  • Do not throw any rubbish in the nature and remember to clean up after you
  • Show respect for animals and bird life. Remember leash for dogs.
  • Campfires in or near forests are prohibited from 15 April to 15 September. They can nevertheless be allowed in places where fire hazard is unlikely, like by the sea or on an approved campfire site.If you light a campfire or barbecue, you are legally responsible for ensuring that it is safe, does not escape, and is completely extinguished before you leave.  
  • You can pick berries, mushroom and plants for your own use
  • You can fish in freshwater as long as you have purchased a fishing license
  • You may fish for saltwater species without a license, as long as it is for your own use.
  • You may put ut a tent, or sleed under the stars, for the night anywhere in the countryside, forests or mountains, as land as you keep at least 150 metres away from the nearest inhabited house or cabin. If you want to stay for more than two nights in the same place, you must ask the landowners permission.
  • Places for emptying toilets are signposted. Doing so elsewhere are strictly prohibited.


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